Visión: A new story of life where homo-sapiens lives in harmony with Gaia and all her creatures. Included is the quantum understanding of two facts. 1: we are all connected, 2: matter is really energy and every tiny particle is "alive" as it contains a bit of god.

The overarching aim is the same as the Mission – To co-create ‘The More Beautiful World Our Hearts KNOW is Possible’. Additional aims are decided by any sub-circle under the Mission Circle (see sociocracyforall.org for an understanding of circles).
The first sub-circle is the one whose Aim will be the design, establishment, operation, maintenance growth and future of Argent House. The focus will be on using transitional permaculture/regenerative agriculture strategy and systems thinking and doing*.
Domain: Everything, everywhere and everywhen.
Argent House
- Planet Care
Argent House is a Community Project. In its infancy it will provide education opportunities for permaculture design and installation of some elements. As the space grows and matures, more consistent educational opportunities will arise. The mode of operation will be as regenerative and inclusive as feasible always acknowledging that living in harmony with the environment includes other people and the various laws, codes and mores of the local population. Indigenous wisdom will be sought after, valued and respected.
- People Care
Argent House is a family home and the needs of the residents will be a priority. At the same time, every effort will be made to attract and engage all local like-minded souls that want to contribute.
*Some examples of permaculture basics include energy management, water capture and distribution, natural building, earthworks, perennial dominant planting, animal integration, vermi-composting, composting. Social permaculture – forms of organizing – eco-sociocracy, “Fair share” is the medium of exchange and that can be completely up to the parties involved.